Module Level

Loads .tmx tilemap and runs the level designed on it.

Inits player, mobs and offers utilities for help spatial hashing, collision system and pathfinding.

Tilemap description:

You can design a map using a lot of layers, both tile layer and object layer. But there are two required:

  • Tile layer “0”: where the entities are drawn and used for check wall collisions.
    — Tiles with property obstacle = true works as invisible wall.

  • Object layer “Events”: used for instance objects.
    — The object is instanciated where the object is placed.
    — Must be defined with the type = spawn and had a property defined as type with the value that describes the object. See Level:_mobSpawn().
    — The object spawn with property type = player instance the player avatar where is placed.

Class Level

Level:create (tmxPath) Create a Level .
Level:update (dt) Update stage.
Level:drawQuadCollider (entity) Debug function.
Level:drawPath (entity) Debug function.
Level:drawEntities (tilePositionX, tilePositionY, tileDrawX, tileDrawY, self) Draw the entities of a tile.
Level:draw () Draw stage.
Level:shake () Shake cam effect.
Level:_mobSpawn () Spawn player and mobs on the map.
Level:tileToCoords (tileX, tileY) Turns an isometric grid tile number to world location.
Level:coordsToTile (x, y) Turns a world location into an isometric grid tile number.

Buckets functions

Level:getBucket (tile) Gets the bucket that make reference to the location specified.
Level:putIntoBucket (entity, tile, oldTile) Puts an entity into a bucket.
Level:removeFromBucket (entity, tile) Remove an entity from his bucket.
Level:clearBuckets (buckets) Clears all the buckets.
Level:updateBucket (entity) Update the position in the bucket if it’s necessary.

Collision functions

Level:bucketsInsideCollider (quadCollider) Gets a list of buckets that are contained by a quad collider.
Level:checkCollideEntities (entity, x, y) Checks if an Entity is colliding with another one.

A* functions

Level:findNeighbors (row, col) For an row and column given, returns a list of walkable neighbors and distances to them.
Level:flattenMap () Flat the bidimensional array of the map.

Class Level

Level Class.
Level:create (tmxPath)
Create a Level . Loads the .tmx tilemap.

Supose the files placed into “res/levels/” folder.


  • tmxPath the file name of .tmx
Level:update (dt)

Update stage.

  • Calls the method update(dt) of all Entity objects.
  • Updates the camera position, following the player.


  • dt delta time
Level:drawQuadCollider (entity)
Debug function.

Draw for a given entity his bound box.


Level:drawPath (entity)
Debug function.

Draw for a given entity the path that is walking.


Level:drawEntities (tilePositionX, tilePositionY, tileDrawX, tileDrawY, self)
Draw the entities of a tile.

Draw all the entities which are on a specific tile of the .tmx map, sorted by depth.

This function will be called by TileLayer:setAfterTileFunction() from AdvTileLoader library and was made following her documentation.


  • tilePositionX tile X position
  • tilePositionY tile Y position
  • tileDrawX unused
  • tileDrawY unused
  • self unused
Level:draw ()
Draw stage.

Represent the actual level state. Draw the map, the entities and the mouse.

Level:shake ()
Shake cam effect.

Effect that fake an earthquake

Level:_mobSpawn ()
Spawn player and mobs on the map.

From the layer “Events” on the map, load the objects defined like “spawn” and depending on his property “type” make an instance.

Level:tileToCoords (tileX, tileY)
Turns an isometric grid tile number to world location.


  • tileX tile x position
  • tileY tile y position


  1. x x world coordination
  2. y y world coordination
Level:coordsToTile (x, y)
Turns a world location into an isometric grid tile number.


  • x x world coordination
  • y y world coordination


    {x,y} a table with an isometric grid tile position

Buckets functions

Buckets functions. Useful utilities for spatial hashing.
Level:getBucket (tile)
Gets the bucket that make reference to the location specified.


  • tile {x,y} a table with an isometric grid tile position


    Gets bucket. Returns nil if the bucket does not exist.
Level:putIntoBucket (entity, tile, oldTile)
Puts an entity into a bucket.

If the entity has moved then provide his old tile location for remove it from there.


  • entity the Entity that wants to insert in the bucket.
  • tile {x,y} a table with an isometric grid tile position
  • oldTile {x,y} (optional) a table with an isometric grid tile position
Level:removeFromBucket (entity, tile)
Remove an entity from his bucket.


  • entity the Entity to be removed
  • tile {x,y} a table with an isometric grid tile position
Level:clearBuckets (buckets)
Clears all the buckets.


  • buckets ¿?¿??¿ <– this param no make sense.
Level:updateBucket (entity)
Update the position in the bucket if it’s necessary.

If the Entity is on the same tile that the last time, this function no makes nothing.


  • entity the Entity to be updated.

Collision functions

Collision functions. Useful utilities for cheks collitions between Entity objects.
Level:bucketsInsideCollider (quadCollider)
Gets a list of buckets that are contained by a quad collider.


  • quadCollider {x1,y1,x2,y2} table with two pair of coordinates in world location.
Level:checkCollideEntities (entity, x, y)
Checks if an Entity is colliding with another one.
Saves on entity.collision a table with Entity objects with which collided.

If x and y params are passed, this function works like the Entity was there, as forecast.


  • entity the Entity to be checked
  • x (optional) world location x coordinate.
  • y (optional) world location y coordinate.


    Returns True if the Entity is colliding with another Entity .

A* functions

A* functions. Useful utilities for pathfinding, needed for AStar library.
Level:findNeighbors (row, col)
For an row and column given, returns a list of walkable neighbors and distances to them.


  • row isometric grid tile y position
  • col isometric grid tile x position


  1. table with positions of neighbors in flatten array.
  2. table with distances to reach the neighbor at the same position in neighbors table returned.
Level:flattenMap ()
Flat the bidimensional array of the map.


    table with nodes created with newNode (AStar lib).
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